access champions
Do you know someone who goes above and beyond to support people with disabilities? Share your story or nominate someone else and the deserving individual will be showcased on our Access Champions page!
An Access Champion is an individual that advocates and creates opportunities for equal access to the outdoors. Have you spoken to your local government and disability related organizations yet? Request improved access to your lakes, beaches & hiking trails. Start an adaptive recreation program in your community. Find out how and inspire others on our website!
TELL US ABOUT YOUR ADVENTURES and Contact us so that we can tell your story!
Scroll down to check out our featured access champions!
“I really believe everyone should access the outdoors as much as possible. We have such amazing technology today to allow people to get outdoors no matter what challenges they face it just takes people who are willing to help and inspire others to get out there!”
“Hello from Nanaimo British Columbia Canada. My name is Jon Pimlott and this is my story of the little rowll boat that could. In this picture my friend Bert Abbott is rowing for the first time in 30 years. I love this image because it captures the very moment of first row for my concept”
“Being an Access Champion is so much more than what you do, it’s why you do it and who you can help along the way. I’ve always believed this, and it’s why I have been involved in philanthropy and community-based programs for people with disabilities for the past twenty years.”
“I was excited. To be able to get on this board for the first time ever not ever thinking I ever have a chance like that. It absolutely means the world to me. I’m a water baby and I love being out on the water. My favourite part is just being out on the water, being free. I had no confidence being on the water before going on this board. I am a lot happier in my life now.”
“I tried adaptive paddling last year and it was pretty emotional for me because I paddleboarded prior to injury and it was something I never thought would be an option again. And then you were at the multi- sports day. It was a remarkable feeling being on the water in your chair for all the able-bodied people to see.”
Download our form and tell us what makes you an Access Champion. We want to hear from you and feature your initiatives on our website. The only way forward is as a community and helping each other achieve what we can’t do alone. Nominate an Access Champion today!